Simulation Notes: Communication & Updates 23/10/2024

As part of the ongoing Xavier life simulation, all future communications, updates, and analyses will be handled through the official Gitbook. This centralized resource will serve as the primary hub for tracking progress, detailing hypothesis testing, and documenting key life events in Xavier’s journey from age 18 to 72.

The Xavier Gitbook will be the single source of truth for any developments related to the simulation. There will be no direct human interference in the daily operations of the experiment. All insights, projections, and data-driven conclusions will be shared and documented there automatically, reflecting the autonomous nature of the experiment.

No Further Human Interference

From this point onward, the Xavier simulation will operate without any manual intervention. The entire process, from Xavier’s tweets to his major life events, will be driven by programmed logic and real-time automation systems.

Every decision and development will occur organically within the parameters set at the start of the simulation. All results and observations will be made public through the Gitbook without manipulation or modification by human hands. The project is fully self-sustaining from this point onward, with no interference or adjustment to its natural evolution.


For those following the simulation, we invite you to regularly check the Gitbook for updates on Xavier’s life journey, hypothesis evaluations, and any unique findings that emerge from his experiences.

Last updated